Sorry – more coffee . – grab the point and Pull. Ahem… This is a V9 version…with the script in the Front Fin…Actually not sure I am correct about the…
To do this I’m assuming you have stretchy bones in yor rig. The Bone actually has a Bone.length property when created but does not sow in the Track vi…
Cheers guys, Thanks Paul I followed the post but the scripts I believe are taken down now so couldn’t look at them…I assumed ‘wrongly’ that they were…
Paul, I believe you are talking about replacing the dummy object with another another, customisable spline object etc. Which eventually became your S…
I dunno, I bet you haven’t found the schematic node based material editor either. sorry that made me laugh out loud…
People will find it easier to look at you code if it is in code tags. When you paste the code in use the # at the top of the menu… This is a search r…
Cheers all, i’m still toying with options. bnvm, cheers that’s very similiar to how the copy pose works in character studio, which is actually what I…
Ok dokey, thanks guys. Jason, I did think of using a #string value and converting. Eventually the arrays would be saved out as a file anyway so that’s…
OK, just to take this a step further can a :#point3Tab hold Multi Dimensional arrays or how do you create them? a=#(#([4,4,4],[5,5,5]),#([2,2,2])) de…
Many thanks fella – got it !The help for Ca’s …etc [left] Matrix3 [/left] [left] Point2 [/left] [left] Color [/left] [left] Arrays containing an…
Look in the Maxscript Help file under How To – Practical examples – there is a tut’ which does Morphing with sliders. May be worth looking through th…