ok If i m using only 1 rdo with 2 columns, the space between them is to small to fit with my spinners. That’s the reason i used 2 of them. On the im…
i used 2 rdo, to fit with the ui Left: 2 rdo – Right: only one
I can’t try it, i returns me an error: — Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: E:\Mes Doc\Aespid\MAXScripts\Animation Tools\Animation_Too…
i already tried it. It’s not working.
I noticed it, but in this case, how could i do it? I used 2 rdo to have more space between my 2 lines edit: i made the wrong copy of my code. lol o…
thanks for all your answers, i ll try it on your way Paul. ^^ I let you know if i’ve some problems with it.
hi guys, thanks for your answers. But it will not be possible to hide my controls. I’m writing a new tool for PF that allows the users to access to pa…
i tried to add my op into the event by using ev.insertAction myop 1 instead of ev.appendAction myop but still the same problem, i ve to move it by…
i made a test with one of my friends and, he had the same problem, he had to move tho script op. But on his workstation, if the particles are gone, a…
same problem for me :S
nice script
it’s possible to add your states into a persistant array. I don’t know if it’s the best way to do it, but it works.