hi guys. any news? I m currently using PyQt at work within maya and would love to do it within max as well.
I don’t use MR.
unfortunately not. I need to controle how many inputs and outputs, as well as the kind of value or type on it. it wrote quickly a scripted map plugi…
it’s not possible to write scripted controller plugins
i’m not looking to add new maps, but controllers edit: i’m not…
thanks for your answer. it could be possible by writting new controller with the sdk. the slate medit would add them as new nodes. But I never wrote…
i ll check it, thanks
this an other way to access to a modifier: $.modifiers[#ModifierName] or $.modifiers[#’Modifier Name’]
most of the time i’m using several modifiers. but i would like to combine them together. I never use all the parameters, so i could choose the ones i …
oh great. thx Bobo