In general it should be a case of two horizontal lines. Yea i was thinking of doing something like that where i flip it…store those positions, and th…
( local searchName = “box” local MultipleNodes = for o in objects where matchpattern pattern:(“*”+searchName +”*”) collect o for…
ah, here it is [left][b][b]NOTE:[/b][/b] [/left] [left]Right mouse button state is not always correct. If you right-click to bring up a right-click…
Yea, as the original poster i felt i should chime in. Since it was years ago, I believe this was the case and solution… I was also having the proble…
Hmm…i got them to work…syntex errors on my part. ManagedServices.MaxscriptSDK.ExecuteMaxscriptCommand(“print “” + NewBuffer.ToString() + “””); Manage…
Thanks guys for the responses. That should do it. Yea i figured the “top most” would cause some problems, but having it minimize and maximize with m…
Thanks slimeburger, i am already using a similar technique though. The problem i was running into is that since we were creating new verts, the mappi…
basically we are creating new faces through meshop.extrudefaces then taking those new verts, and attempting to put alpha on them. The problem is, t…
Now thats an interesting idea. hmm.
Ok, thanks for the ideas guys : )