Well, now I’m curious if u would like to show simple example how you put it in place
Thank you, i got it working now with the laste example! The drawback with the delete & undo is not good, although not too much of an issue for me…
Thank you very much again! I’m getting closer now. Although now i think i have a problem with self-referencing. Afaik i can’t set myNode to the node …
Hi, thank you for the advice. However, i’m a bit confused. Could you give me a simple example? I couldn’t make it work and it seems like the load eve…
I’ll just try my luck here. If i’m wrong in some points, correct me guys From the Maxscript help: getCurrentSelection() Returns the current selec…
Do you maybe have multisubmaterials with empty slots? That could cause the problem. Maybe i can write a fix, but for now just check for that.
Give this a try theFileNamePrefix = (filterString maxFileName “.”)[1] for mat in scenematerials do ( — this line prefixes all scene materials mat…
Hm Yeah, i kinda expected that. Thanks for letting me know
Hm okay, thanks for your answer. I guessed in that direction. So I am going to dig deeper there. Thanks again!
Thanks to your help i am already much closer to what i want. Now i ran into some other issues, would be great to have some ideas on solving this. Co…
Aaaaaah perfect, Thank you very much. This seems to be the way. It’s kinda hard to find if I don’t know what to look for I’ll have a look into it tm…
Thanks, DenisT! This already brings me closer. Couldn’t find any information on that. The Maxscript examples show Bend and i tried with the edit_mesh…
Okay i advanced a bit. Changing extends:Edit_Mesh to Bend stopped the crashing. It seems like somehow I’m missing something important. The Scripted …