right now i am not getting exactly… how to use get getNodeByName for my need…??
max_file_name = getFilenameFile maxFilename ————–this line gets the file name text myobjects=$‘max_file_name’ as array ——— this li…
yes thank you, it works, exactly, what i need… for the above script, can u please help this out, i am newbie for scripting side, this is the script …
hi , i want to control using script, not manually, scale$ [0.5,0.5,0.5] this line of script scales the selected object to 50% , but it scales, ta…
for example, box01 is at position 40,40,40 and its pivot is center to object, with script if i scale it , it does only based on pivot, scaling to …
hi hotknife, thank you for your help,
for the same…, can i make a split with function, “fn” rollout test_buttons “Testing Buttons” ( local counter = 0 –init. the counter button theButt…
Thank you very much, Bobo. sorry for my unclear questioning , but you have got what exactly i am expecting and need to function… sorry for my poor …
thanks you, very much it works very good, i really appreciate your help
but how to get if i have files, in two different folders… like. c: est\FolderA c: est\FolderB c: est\FolderC and so on. …
for i = 0 to 3 do ( files = getFiles (maxfilepath+”*.max”) loadmaxfile files[i+1] CurrentFileIndex = finditem files (maxfilepath+maxfilename) LoadMaxF…
i tried something like this. for i = 1 to 3 do ( files = getFiles (maxfilepath+”*.max”) loadmaxfile files[i] CurrentFileIndex = finditem files (maxfi…