I forgot one step. Also I couldn’t help but make a drawing… Still no guarantee for correctness.
Yes the camera’s projection matrix is not its transform matrix. It’s the matrix that transforms a point in world space into screen space. You know whe…
3: correct 5: there are 12 edges in a bounding box – 4 are parallel to the local x-axis, 4 to y, 4 to z so the four edges that are parallel with the c…
I’m not very good with matrices, so I’m not sure if this would work: Make sure that all vertices lie before the camera. Apply the camera projection …
You would need to loop through all vertices of the object, calculate the view vector of it, calculate the angle between that and the camera forward ve…
They only solution I know is to calculate them yourself by averaging the surrounding face normals. If you work with games you might wanna use the same…
Thanks, guys! The sweep worked, but I went with path deform in the end, because I needed taper and some other deformations.
You could maintain a temporary sorted array that contains the position of all vertices added so far. Since it is sorted you’d only need to do a binary…
Ha! My bad … looks like I forgot to convert to float before dividing.