Thanks for the inspiration! It took a while, but ended up with a solution – making many assumptions about the input geometry. I would have loved to c…
Actually it seem that the sliderTime can be accessed through this: float Time : TIME ; Can I also access realtime? I feel like I’m overlooking some…
If you’re not afraid to script, look into the closestFace function of the MeshProjIntersect class. I attached a horibly inefficient example that will …
If you want to evaluate the whole material, you will have to go through the renderer. Maybe you can bake out a diffuse texture and then sample that te…
I just noticed that posted this in a sub-board accidentally. Dear Admins, please move this thread to the general 3dsmax board, so more people will rea…
You may be able to skip the if ((($.getEdgeFace i 1) == _faces[1] and ($.getEdgeFace i 2) == _faces[2])) step if you set the requireAll: paramater t…
what might also work and require less mesh-fiddling is using the edge ring: convert faces selection to edge selection so that only fully enclosed (b…
I cannot provide code snippets, but here’s how you do it, assuming you’re working with quads, using polyOp: get edge that is shared by both selected…
There’s also a set of maxscript functions that allow you to calculate the shortest distance to a mesh from any point in space: meshProjIntersect.clos…
You could calculate a convex hull and dismiss all vertices that are not part of it. Those algorithms are rather complicated and slow unfortunately.
Once you have the projection matrix you can use maxscript’s “inverse” command to get the inverse projection. How to get the projection matrix I have n…