denisT: it’s too simple to be true Indeed. Good luck
Volume meter part is pretty funny indeed. Looking forward to this.
I think these are the only settings exposed to maxscript in “lighting & shadows” tab. actionMan.executeAction -844228238 “0” 0 “Enable Ambient O…
That’s right. In max 2009, there was no such setting. They added viewport AA internally with the release of 2010.
here’s my lame attempt. seems working… … toggleD3DAA() fn mwAA = ( dx_ini = getdir #maxroot + “d3dgfx.ini” AAQu…
denisT: but the really interesting thing is how to pop-up dialogs in hidden mode (or out of screen at least) I was wondering about that too. De…
and these are my d3d settings, it’s relevant maybe?
max: 2012 x64 (sp1 and hotfixes installed) card: Quadro 4000 driver: 280.19
And this is how Panayot’s uiaccessor script works: Script’s first run takes couple of seconds, but subsequent runs are almost instant.
I dont know why but none of those configuration parameters showing me any restart warning and they’re being applied after closing the dialogue. Check …
Then how come I can see the antialiasing effect on viewport instantly after executing the script, without even restarting max? Is it related to graphi…
@Panayot Thank you very much!!! it was easy to adapt it for 8x. I just changed state to 3. @denisT Thanks. It’s indeed easily altered by editing th…
Spacefrog, your script is pretty awesome, but I think it’s just storing single viewport. So I was wondering, are there any scripts that can store/load…