Many thanks! If I am in the create panel for example, and run the code, it says: — Unable to convert: undefined to type: MaxObject … because it wa…
A friendly bump to remind of my other questions How do I remove a custom attribute? Is it possible to make max remember a custom attribute for a…
How would you remove it? Also, how would you do if you wanted Max to remember to add a custom rollout on certain modifiers, each time they are create…
Thanks Rappy! Great solution. I had found something on ScriptSpot, but that rollout did stick on the main mesh/object, not on the current modifier li…
Thanks Denis, Will try to solve the setinisetting
Thank you kindly for your effort. Really appreciate it Unfortunately, my skills in MaxScripting are at the bottom. I am completely dependent on the …
Sorry Denis, I was unclear in my first question (the sentence was incomplete ) So let me start over. I think I understand the MaxScript – forgive m…
Thanks Denis! I have a few more questions; While ModifierSets is one word, Utility Sets are two words in the 3dsmax.ini. This function is for readi…
@Ruramuq: Thanks, I understand now what you mean.
Ruramuq: Removing headers, is necessary to test them. Because a .mcr installs itself in the program. 3dsmax does not ask if I want to install it, or…
Norman3D: …Unfortunately there are a lot of scripts out there that need to be installed or operate within the regular scripts folder under the max r…
I am afraid not. What more options are there beside .Default? Now its writing the letters properly in the .Bat file. I want it to write it “unproperly…