Thanks @miauu . This I know, but I was hoping there was a way to do this scriptwise without altering the original MCR-file. Something like runAsScript…
Sorry for bumping up this thread, but I realised I had still an unanswered question. When I run fileIn ((getdir #userMacros)+”\somefile.mcr”), the Ma…
Yes, I understand this. But I needed to know if there were downsides reevaluating MCRs over and over compared to evaluating MS files. Swordslaye…
Sorry for not saying thank you back then, @Swordslayer! @bontempos – once you execute this code and save the file, you got this function stored in …
I am currently not sitting on a Max computer. However I am assuming that the “on load” means when the Max document is loaded Also, this is stored in …
No hijacking here. I mean the maxscrtipt mini-listener in the lower left corner. Eg I write “popup” to call the function that pops up something
@Swordslayer, at least I know it can be done. Could you please write me a little example, say a script that pops up a notification when I type eg “po…
Thanks a lot, Miauu! Works wonderful!
I found this thread with a solution from Denis But I dont know what to type when I want to use alignPivotToFace on a current selection. fn alignPivo…
Here is the script by the way –***************************************************** – Credits – Haider of Sweden, (new design and fun…
Thanks Jorge for the last code regarding save. It works just great. Also, I can reply my own question regarding overwriting – it works. I thought the …