I tried with both Perspective and Camera, but none of them worked with Screen Reference Coordinate System. The Point helper was moving in world XY ins…
Great! The next step would be to have the helper object move in point object XY in Screen Reference Coordinate System a relationship between the l…
Wow Jorge, you did not do this just now, did you? In my opinion, it already has quite a lot of what I am looking for. Are you in the mood to develop…
This is how I did if doesFileExist “$scripts\\MyScriptLocation\\” then scriptLoc = (GetDir #Scripts) else scriptLoc = (GetDir #userScripts) filein (…
Thank you Kostadin, this brought me further. What if I have a variable, and want to set it to a path: if it exists. Something like mypath = $scripts\…
I understand the benefit of immediate change. I use macros.load to reload changes in a script. Another benefit is to right-click on a Macroscript and …
Thanks Denis! The SDK is part of the installer, but not installed by default, right? EDIT: found it. Will dig in and try to learn something.
@Serejah, the problem I am facing here is that as long you execute a Macroscript, you’ll have a copy of it under $userScripts. If you decide to test o…
macros.run works if you have evaluated the Macroscript already. I need something different, more like what @Serejah is mentioning. The logic could be…