Thanks Eric, yeah I noticed the new feature for editable poly. But I think it can be used for more than just Editable Poly. Now that you are mentioni…
Another question in addition to my first one. When I modify original MCR files located in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\ui\macroscripts, whe…
Hallöchen Scrimski, thanks. So under startup, can I add both MS and MSC files? And when can I tell they need to get started during startup? Because …
Well, well. Mr PJanssen himself Hey, this little research was meant as a surprice for you. In matter of fact, that was my exact thought; Will this…
Yo, No, the refresh is pretty simple I guess. I am trying to turn on/off the function. Going all the way through Preference and all that takes time. …
Hi Shane, that was actually exactly what I did first With no luck. So I have a feeling that this command is hidden a bit deeper and only known by t…
Hola Jonathan, thanx for your reply. Obviously , my english wasn’t really correct here. Of course, I was meaning a key on the keyboard Can this be d…
Thank you both. I am more used to MEL, the Maya script language. I was expecting to write a bit more than just $.
Cant be better right? Thanks