si means if in French. It is strange that the Maxscript error message keeps the first if in english and the second one in French…
Instead of frozing, you can just lock the object’s transform : setTransformLockFlags theObject #all //to freeze an object’s transform setTransfo…
frozenObjectsProperties = #() — Element type : #(NAME, POSITION, ROTATION) theFrozenObjects = for o in objects /* masked conditions */ collect o …
Not bad, but not what I’m looking for because it hides the objects… I want them still, but visible… Thanks anyway.
Wrong message
You can’t use the fillet function with maxscript because it is not connected to it. I guess it is the same with the other functions.
Maybe you should store a custom attribute on your whole object. In this custom attribute, you add some variables that store your vertices’ attributes …
the expression a > 1 is evaluated as a block and its value is replaced by TRUE or FALSE as soon it is evaluated, so if (a > 1 AND a < 2) the…
if (a > 1 AND a < 2) then … You don’t need true/false evaluation
That is exactly what i did.
Great ! That is exactly what I needed. I know that the variable is not truncated, only its display, but it is just what i needed. Thanks !
Of course you can create, modify and apply materials using MAXscript only, without accessing the Material editor, but what we are telling you is that …