You’re right, now it works with your method. The dialog is stuck only when the script is stopped by an error.
DenisT, it doesn’t seem to be the problem. The problem was that the rollout was registered as a global variable. When i set it to local it worked. Str…
From outside scope, the debugger watch manager displays **Undeclared variable : _rollout but with the break() in the function’s scope just before de…
Of course… So obvious. Thanks. Here is the code : fn getLayerIndex obj = ( if (IsValidNode obj) then ( layerList = for i = 0 to layerman…
your clipboard is hosted by Google Servers XD
hmm well It’s great ! thanks :wip:
List controller would mean putting the animation on 1st, and then read the 2nd block (which is empty) thus no playback at all ? It seems heavy, i wou…
That seems great, and quite close to what I want. Is that compatible with the motion mixer ? Could be the ultimate combo… edit: Animation layers are…
It’s easy : you just have to check if the pivot coordinate is “inside” the bounding box coordinates. The bounding box is defined by two points, which…
Oh that’s perfect! thanks Denis !