is the .scale property not enough for your purposes? or even the scale function? what do you need to do exactly?
not sure if i’ll ever get around to doing this sorry… but as a workaround i guess you could collect an array of server names in a BB group using the r…
this code was never intended to be a complete tool for submitting renders. All it does is automatically ‘press the buttons’ of the standard ‘Submit To…
well your full code is not shown but at the end of what you have shown you end up with a NetServer interface in the variable srv. so since you are sub…
i’ve seen 1 or 2 threads / posts saying it’s still broken, even with the latest update. for me personally i’ll be sticking with my ‘hack’ solution bec…
for a simple macro where you are only executing code there is no difference but you should use on execute when you are using the isChecked / isEnabled…
i discovered that each autodesk_material has a .ConvertToGeneric property that returns a autodesk generic material which is much more managable. gives…
irwit: filter out … any objects that would appear in the geometry list but would not have a polycount? getTriMeshFaceCount() will work on any obj…
i’m curious what you need this for? do you know about the built in calculator which can be activated by clicking in the edit box of any spinner and pr…
Paul see this thread jonadb worked out how to convert the offline help’s into chm files so we can use ’em like we always have
i agree it is rediculous, but so are a lot of the maxscript interfaces…
i gave up on the NetRender interface a long time ago. which is why i now automate the network render dialog. I shared the code I use in this thread. A…
what benefit does this timeline have over the existing one?
i dont have 2013 installed at home or at work sorry. can you post a screengrab of the 2013 net render dialog. maybe they changed something else… EDIT…