I used callback functions to make footprint deformations on the object that was suppose to represent mud or something soft (brown plane) and to make f…
You can use the .dir property of an object to change it’s z axis orientation. Like if you set obj.dir=[1,0,0], then the object would be rotated so th…
Magicm, Do you remember in the movie “Goonies” when Sloth is finally able to reach the tray of vegetables and food from where he is chained up in the…
maxOps.getNodeByHandle <number> Returns the node associated with the id passed in. Note: It is safer to say $box01.inode.handle than $box01.ha…
.handle : DWORD : Read Gets the nodes handle. It provides a unique identifier independent from the objects name.
Alex, It might be that in the comparison case, that the variable is literally being compared to the literal array value instead of what the variable a…
Are you saying you would there to be maxscript functionality in which subobject parts like edges and vertices could be snapped to or indicated as bein…
Goodness gracious me!
I made a newer version but just haven’t posted it ’cause I thought the rest were ok. what kind of error do you get with the one I did?
Ok, now I feel really happy and also a bit jaded! :bounce:
Yeah, I agree.
I asked for this awhile back and they said no, not enough people would use it :(.
3diot, Which version did you use?