Could you be more clear and explain your goal and step process ? If you want a Ik/Fk why not use the built in one ?
please be more specific, Are you talking about, ‘$YourObjects.Attributes’ like , if $foo.myValeur == MyCheckValeur then print “super” ?
hi bolbacool, I looked back at the when construct, i already used. It s just a way to catch event, of any type, you have to check your custom attribu…
Ok, as i wonder how to animate the fish as i wonder why i do it.
I say Warning, want you to select only the last added objects or the complete list of visible objects. :bounce: T bien rapide a repondre, lol
so happy face man, i add it for you. :shrug:
Thx Cthulhu, For the GetNodeByName that i sadly never seen before. I have to better read the MXS Doc.When i think to the function i used instead of …
Ok, Try this one, i just add then StringRemoveBadCharacter function which replace bad character by “_”. To add some “bad character” add it in line ‘…
Hello loran, Try that, i hope it you wanted. try(DestroyDialog ListObjHide)catch() rollout ListObjHide “Visibility List” width:176 height:288 ( mu…
Hi cdinic, At first, i would check if you are talking about the way to choose an object color in max.When you choose your color, there is a small Ch…
Hi leejamesclark, i knew that works with older max version. That is a thing a never use, but i tried to reDo it.So: -With snap to vertex or whatever…
Hi jeef, i am not sure, but have you can try: -($.transform.scalepart[1])*(curveLength $) that won t work if you applied a non uniform scaling. or …
Re GIJoe, you are completely right :bowdown: , these scripts exist from a long time. As i didn’t used it in the past, i forget.I was starting to lea…