I really get CRAZY now, I spend the whole day for writing an exporter for our project and algorithm is correct, but now the output number is totally w…
some funny result from Max formattedPrint -118.11111111 format:”.15g” “-118.111114501953” formattedPrint -118.123456789 format:”.15g” “-118.12345886…
even the formattedPrint can not help. I ‘ll give an example real_long = -118.2584425 as float formattedPrint real_long format:“0.20g” this is resul…
Ah agrrr… lacking of knowledge is really a *crime *… :shrug:Look at my code how I deal with the cfg file…Your code is really Max way! Btw, I only stu…
I find a trick for writing that cfg file use %temp% cmd createFile “C:\\WINDOWS\\max2obj.cfg” f = openFile “C:\\WINDOWS\\max2obj.cfg” mode:”w” fo…
Or the easier way is open cfg file and write to it with our desired data. However I get no way to get in that folder and open it for edit
Yes, I know the config is save and we could re-use it. But in production we want to make sure no wrong file is submitted, so the script to force out a…
Also how about a dropdown box. I want to choose triangle as option for faces option, but it is a dropdown and can not use checkbutton method I nearly…
Thanks for your help. I could get nearly all info except some point windows.sendMessage flipControl_parent_hwnd WM_COMMAND ((bit.shift BN_CLICKE…
Also I am using Max9 because client require it. However I have tested with Max 2008 and see nothing change too
Thanks ZeBoxx2, you are always so helpful I could get a little clue of your script, however, I still can not make it run. As I guess, just simple run…
Thanks, I will look into it Btw, I find a temporary solution for my case, after each writestring I add fseek f -1 #seek_end So file will back 1 cha…
I am totally noob so this is what is find in manual and do with fopen, fclose … There s another way to write to file in 3DSMax ? Also I am using writ…