Thanks for your info. It sound so sad that can not force to register this plugin. Maybe my man must accept a manual way for this case: re-run script f…
I finish the exporter now, thanks alot to community, especially Bobo for helping me out Now, for double value, when we want to declare it, It will be…
That AWESOME, Bobo, I try with some test value and result is so accurate, I will embed this method into my code right now to test it I will inform th…
uhm… well… I am writing a KML exporter for current project. And its algorithm require very very accurate data. Input longtitude and lattitude is some …
Sorry double post
well thanks Bobo But now I show you my 34 number case a = 34.047413d0 as double 34.0474d0 formattedPrint a format:”.20g” ““34.047412999999999″” S…
Thanks I tried with double before and It brings the same incorrect value like float. About dotnet I dont think I could have time to grasp it.
DaveWortley: This was what I was thinking of, not sure if it’ll help. Thanks alot, Bobo thread point out the inaccurate of float as create weird…
diffx: [/b][/color]Uhm, I don’t understand what your “magic” problem is here, shouldn’t you use the following? well magic is a = 34.047413 as f…
I must say, If, Max does the simple task of round up to 6 number as you said, the problem has been solve by multiply with 1000000 for every input data…
I make a search with Bobo as name and many keyword may has like decimal, float, formattedprint… etc but get no info Moreover, I have make search thro…
Right, another, very FUNNY of 3DSMax, this case, too simple that I dont think it could be wrong, but Max do it wrong Sorry but F*k up Maxscript! This…
sorry but what you mean “[u]accurately [/u]represent those numbers with single precision floats” , I dont get this idea.. I just want to show Max has…
I must say IT IS MAX! Because what I am doing is shifting the exporter script for Maya to 3DSMax, everything is white easy and simple, just replace ma…