Also you can filter only objects which have assigned material. BTW shapes, proxy etc. types can have material also. So… fn filterMat material &ma…
denisT: this doesn’t work. absolutely. try again Ok. You are right. fn findProperty node prop:#bend = ( local found = off for p in getPropNa…
We can utilisez node var fn findProperty node prop:#bend = ( local found = off for p in getPropNames node while found where (found = (p ==…
Like this fn findProperty node prop:#bend = ( local found = off, result for p in getPropNames node while found where (found = (p == prop)) do resul…
fn getVersion str = ( local cnt = 0,idx = 0 while cnt != 2 or idx == undefined do ( idx = findString str “_” ; cnt += 1 str = if cnt == 1 then …
str = “_”+(filterstring “donut_Violin_v005_cool25” “_”)[3]+”_”
This is the one of meny concepts for the start –CA definition –CA definition materialNote = attributes mtlNote ( parameters notesParm rollout:notes…
I already gave you an answer here
selectin: very exactly! Are you live in HongKong? May I be your friend? My e-mail is I am looking forward to receiving your …
BTW Did I wrote symbols right or wrong?
You are right. This is good macroScript Object_Buttom_up ( if selection.count == 0 then MessageBox “请选择一个对象” title:”警告” beep:off else ( se…
First you need to look in maxscrip help document about Point Cache modifier Anyway this is your script. I not have time to test this try(DestroyDialo…
metamesh: that maks total sense, is just the first value [3] that I don’t see what it is: $[3][1][1].track mean Selection [Transform] [Position] […
Also you can select an object and open track view. In tree list on the left side you can see the order of tracks.
metamesh: hey thanks a lot! that seemed to work, although i’m not too sure what the ” node[3][1][3].track” means? thanks a lot for the help $[3][…