The last line returns only Box object which is good.
But you are requested this output??? so theoretically a scene where there are 5 meshes in layer 1 and 2 points in layer 2 I should get an array like…
denisT: in different places from different people i saw: nodes = refs.dependentNodes layer as method to get layer nodes. this is not right! layer …
Shorter version fn collectLayerNodes superClasses: = if (cnt = LayerManager.count-1) > -1 do ( local getLayByName = LayerManager.getLayerFromName…
In this update fn will exclude also layers which contains not specified classes. Question : are you plan to consider more then geometry and helper cal…
I used “case of” statement in case you want to expand fn by adding more classes (ei.superclasses). Also this fn will exclude all empty layers
Try this one fn collectLayerNodes = if (cnt = LayerManager.count-1) > -1 do ( local getLayByName = LayerManager.getLayerFromName local getLay…
denisT: i add edit_normals modifier just to show that function works with polymeshobject as well as with editable_poly interface (and structure) fu…
double post:eek:
One more thing You showed us several times that is not good to call interface fn’s from “loop” and that is better do delete or select nodes at once an…
denisT: it might be improved. first: execute (“select $….”) this is not a good solution.. also it’s possible to make a function that will work w…
One more version I added two arguments: “shapeName” – you can add custom name for newley created shapes “deleteAllEPloy” – if true (on) then all Edita…
denisT: what language are you talking? every programming language has it’s own dress code. When I use phone and walk, I write code like that.:sur…
fn extractBorderEdges = if (object = getcurrentselection()) != #() do ( openedges = polyop.getopenedges ; shape = polyop.createshape delete (for i …
You can use “before” argument in addModifier fn Example cube = Box() for mody in #((Bend()),(Melt()),(UVWmap()),(Relax())) do addmodifier cube mody …