I fixed issue with scrollbar. To do next: #1. Drag – slide using Middle Mouse Button (MMB) over buttons #2. Scroll Up/Down using Mouse wheel over but…
Yup. I know. Still work on label location when manually change form size. In the next update I will fix that
Good night Mike. And I will soon
I edited code above. I was changed Cursor variable name and forgot to change on other places in the code. Hope that’s works now
And this is the answer try(form.close()) catch() ( mapped fn setLifetimeControl control = dotnet.setLifetimeControl control #dotnet fn maxHW = (do…
I get same result when replace ContainerControl with UserControl. I need to use different aproch. edit I was thinking to use Label as container for bu…
Tell me then which control can I use. Label control can be also container
#2 question: Like this? mapped fn setLifetimeControl control = dotnet.setLifetimeControl control #dotnet allControls = join btns #(form, mainUC, scro…
When I move blue label (scrollbar) all buttons in ContainerControl start to flicker and also start to show and hide vertial scrolbar of ContainerContr…
Not understant #1 answer. #2 ok. Do I need to set this for all .net object or only few (main controls only)?
2 questions: how to get rid of flickering is it impotrtant to set LifetimeControl for all .net objects to #dotnet
First ugly result. try(form.close()) catch() ( fn maxHW = (dotNetObject “maxCustomControls.win32HandleWrapper” (dotNetObject “System.IntPtr” (win…
denisT: no hope for any help from control… but it doesn’t mean no help from me you have SizeChanged event… it gives you all what you need. your cu…
denisT: because you refused ‘AutoScroll’ service you have to do all yourself. it will scroll the control, but you have to recalculate VerticalScrol…
Ok I get it. Like this for k = 20 to 1 by -1 do ( bt = dotnetobject “Button” bt.text = k as string bt.dock = bt.dock.top bt.Size …