devX simple button object have very nice property “Allow Focus” to disable selection rectangle and nicer enter-leave-down appearance with gradient tou…
That’s why I decide to use .net label as scrollbar. Ok. I appreciate everythine what you done here and You done more then enough. Big thanks !
denisT: no… you check this line! if you don’t have this function, just comment it… Why don’t you say that earlier I not have that fn and what r…
31 line cause error. Check this line controlops.setselectable tt off
Sorry for the misunderstanding. My bad
Another reason why I started this topic is because many scripters build own tools without taking into account the size of tool dialog ei. window form…
denisT: your solution is already looks straightforward for me. i can post my (not finished yet) version. and you will see how our versions are close…
I know that is better to create GUI in some external softvare to look gook and works without bugs, but this is not the point here. And you recently st…
try2script: There is a very beautiful javascript for mouse weel Yes but I never saw that any scrolling works like this in max. Thanks for the…
Added mouse wheel scrolling Not perfect but works. try(form.close()) catch() ( local SI = (dotNetClass “SystemInformation”) mapped fn setLifetimeC…
I don’t say why you are here Your solution is good but both solution still need a lot of simplification and optimization. 3rd update will arrive soon
Hey Mike, nice try but still jumpy. Try again 2nd update I just corrected the code
That is the next step but first I need to solve draging which is “the most used” thing that user applies when it comes to scrollable control.
Added MMB “drag” method try(form.close()) catch() ( mapped fn setLifetimeControl control = dotnet.setLifetimeControl control #dotnet fn maxHW =…
jenny01: hello guys!! I’m trying to attach multiple editable poly to each other but it seems not to work. I have 5 spheres that I convert to an edit…