kredka: I already make a detour round an obstacle by adding this code after your function: for o in selection do ( animationobjcheckb=t…
Very cool. Which year U made this?
gazybara: As you saw here I need this solution for soring some file paths. I know that is better to use pathConfig and mapPaths struct but in this c…
Also I found another interesting type of collection (ConcurentDictionary) with more advanced methods but can not be used inside max . I really like th…
I tested now tree different .net collection types (Hashtable, StringDictionary, HybridDictionary) Results are very similar. For test purpose I added 1…
The only problem is : I not know c# programming. That’s why I avoid to use it in my scripts.
After all “mapPath” struct is not a perfect solution for this
Yup. Your example shows everything. Pure mxs and still is a little differece in compare with .net Hashtable. AD for sure need to read all your posts h…
What do you think Denis? After all you are right about .net Hashtable:thumbsup:
Now let’s try to add 5000 and find & collect 500. I decided to not use mapPath struct this time fullPaths = #() ; fileNames = #() randomVFGen …
LData = ListData() –ADD*** gc() ; t1 = timestamp() ; m1 = heapfree for i in 1 to fileNames.count do LData.addKey fileNames[i] fullPaths[i] fo…
hsh = dotNetObject “System.Collections.Hashtable” –ADD*** gc() ; t1 = timestamp() ; m1 = heapfree for i in 1 to fileNames.count where not (hsh.Contai…
Maybe I not test this properly but this is the result if mapPaths.count() != 0 do for p = mapPaths.count() to 1 by -1 do mapPaths.delete p fn storeMP…
I tested tree different methods (mapPath struct, .net Hashtable and ListData struct) This is a example for testing. Let’s try first to add 500 file na…
Less then 1000 for sure.