Take a look units.formatValue struct example
Sure this is not perfect solution. Anyway don’t blame me I not work for AD Happy New Year to all of you!
This is example how to use it symbolicPathsExt = symbolicPath() –>(symbolicPath) symbolicPathsExt.removeAll() symbolicPathsExt.newUserPath “$myTe…
struct symbolicPath ( private _numUserPaths = symbolicPaths.numUserPaths, _addUserPath = symbolicPaths.addUserPath, _removeUserPath = symbolicPath…
Nice functions. Who is the author ? At first U reguested to works with a controller, then multiple controllers. I’m currently busy maybe someone can h…
Also you can try when mouse over viewport text to run simple tool (lButton event). Maybe this is not good method
This can capture mouse click-move unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback drawtext fn drawtext text:”mouseOverText” pos:[100,100] mPos:mouse.pos = ( loca…
This fn by Raphael ‘Insanto’ Steves is used for ScriptSpotterscript. Maybe can help you somehow. fn drawtext text:”mouseOverText” pos:[100,100] mPos:…
kogen: Hi, I was wondering why my code performed so slow today and I could break it down to one single line: I thought this might be a problem bec…
lo i not know what to say. Thanks is to enough. I understand what you are using in this assembly (basically 98% from my first code) but I never lear h…
I agree with you.I not know how to create an assembly in VS and for this easy task your method ei. combination of .net & mxs works great. Cheers! …
Thanks lo. I assumed that but if we collect matched paths in searching process maybe we will get faster result. After all probably in max there in not…
Klunk-1: you need to add [left] [/left] [left] setCommandPanelTaskMode mode:#modify [/left] [left] as the first line in your code [/left] Sti…