if isProperty selection[1] “mesh” != null do selection[1].mesh.faces.count
Yup. This works try(DestroyDialog ::RO)catch() rollout RO “Rollout” ( fn dnClr r g b = ((dotNetClass “System.Drawing.Color”).FromArgb r g b) dotNet…
I don’t know if I understand you correctly but here is a example fn setPlaneProps pln createMtd:2 lSegs:4 wSegs:4 genMapCoords:on rwMapSize:off \ wc…
ossosso: Ehy man, this is your script I’ve modifier a bit What I want: I show with an example. -First layer name: “esp_code_hp” -Final clone layer n…
ossosso: mmm… before executing the script: after executing the script: in max2013, I dont’ know… You are only create fn by using my code. Add…
On max2014 I not see any problem.
ossosso: Yes it was your damn working code I was ironic. When I execute your code (the first) nothing happens… have I to change something? I just …
Above code works on all hidden or unhidden layers in LayerManager but for now let say we have (not hidden) layer named “Originals” which we need to cl…
Yup. Code that you posted is written by who? Are you not recognize the style? Here we go fn cloneLayers hidden:off prefix: sufix: = ( for l = 0 …
ossosso: Hi! I can’t find this feature in 3ds max, maybe could be reached with a bit of scripting… I’d like to make a copy of a lyaer, the new layer…
ducphantran: Oh this is a good tip what means the “&” for “nodes” This is from mxs help doc <void>.GetContentNodes nestedContainerNod…
Try this aproch. Both methods work only on opened containers fn intArr objclass = ( local result = #(), nodes = #() if (cArr = getClassInstances Co…
When you use(run) “scenematerials” U will get only collection of assigned mateials. But if you want to collect all not used materials then simply loop…
I gave you an answer here
Actually you need to use units.decodeValue Example My current units display type is #metric (#centimeters) When you use units.decodeValue method then …