on Open event is the key
I didn’t tried this in any plug but the changes of label text depends of spinner value. So if spinner value is reset then will probaly affect on label…
Not understand you?
Here are two examples. These are very similar but first not works and second works #1 if isKindOf ::bgaRoll RolloutClass do destroyDialog bgaRoll ro…
Try when you imported obj’s (master and flat object) to aligne pivots at the center and then use this tool. If this not help send me some example. I n…
KostakiSTUDIO: Can i ask for a video tutorial about this handy script? I try it without success maybe i do something wrong… Thanks in advance. Fi…
Still U can use fantastic Zbrush (ZRemesher) or Mudbox Advanced Retopology solutions.
ice-boy: i tryed now how to use this script with a custom quad mesh. a mesh that you create yourself. i retopoligized the mesh on top of the flatten…
I saw Joel Mongeon blog. Good approch (probably he used max SDK for that). He also said that Marvelous Designer plans to add “Quadrify” option. Theref…
Added option to chose between “auto retopologizing mode” (as first update) or to pick custom retopologized flatened object. BTW I not have time to tes…
( try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch() rollout bgaRoll “MarvelousTool b1” ( local master, flat, newObj, mat local checkboard = standard name:”Pr…
Run this tool , pick master and flat object. Leave default value for the spinners. Press “Do the Job!” button. This will create new optimized (quadrif…
( try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch() rollout bgaRoll “MarvelousTool” ( local master, flat, newObj fn filterGeo obj = isKindOf obj GeometryClass and…
Inspired by first tutorial I wrote simple workaround way to achive similar result. First thing first > example scene masterObj = Rectangle name:”M…
ice-boy: i found those videos for maya. transfer attributes. if two objects with the same topology have the same uv’s can we project a mesh to anot…