Yes. We need to consider point A for cloning. Point B is last clone of point A. I do not know how to describe better but point A need to be blended in…
Don’t cry. It’s very easy to compare colors or any value by using simple string comparation method fn isSameColor diffuse color = ( if stricmp (…
Great result you achive here. Then mapped fn have same performance issue as for-loop. Good to know that. Also adding items like I did maybe is not goo…
Hey Jorge You said that second for-loop causes slowdown I don’t know if mapped fn can helps here but still… I mean about this concept. Maybe it can re…
denisT: you might be surprised but i’m here for the same reason I folow this thread from the beginning and must tell one thing. U guys tear apar…
What to “close it”?
Yup but this while loop always returns anode. Take a look this example where I test it by using linked nodes and when node not have any parent (point …
You mean not equal ei: fn isParent node parent = ((while node.parent != undefined do (node = node.parent)) != parent)
This? fn isParent node parent = ((while node.parent != undefined do (node = node.parent)) == parent)
What about this fn isParent node parent = ( if (state = node.parent == parent) or (parent.parent == node) then (if state then 1 else -1) else …
You continue to confuse people with your advanced-custom fn’s. U trick me onece when I try to find these in mxs help
BTW I’m just curious , what’s wrong with my fn?
I can do better but I’m currently in a hurry to finish some arch-project for tomorrow. I just wrote something that popped into my mind without much th…
This fn will create an array where is the first item parent and rest childrens fn getFamilyTree objs = if objs.count != 0 do ( local parents = #()…