What is the advantage of CA over appdata?
Thanks Guys!
“Input” is only for Compound. You need to use “Parameters”.
it will give you mesh data, but it would not create actual mesh. If youwant to get back mesh, output as geometry.
Even though I use Maxscript, my startup is just single line script to call other script. I do this so I can deploy/edit startup script easily across n…
You can just put anyscript into script\startup folder.
3ds Max it self is not thread safe. I don’t know any 3d DCC which is fully multi-threaded.
Here is a list for Python. Python pymxs : Complete Maxscript exposure to Python Python.Import MAXScript editor and listener Python language support I…
Thanks! Totally Awesome.
How about this? I’ll perfectly be happy if ai can converto XML.
Thanks for pointer. At least now I know what;s going on. Unfortunately string will have all kinds of unusual strings…
THis is what I got so far assetStr = “{\”Asset Location\”:\”la\”,\”Asset Name\”:\”main\”,\”Author\”:\”changsooeun\”}” dotNet.LoadAssembly “System.Run…
Thanks, guys. As of now, I use JSON.NET. But, I still want to do without 3rd party. My input source is text string. My main problem is how to feed s…