I guessthe up vector is one of the elements of that camera’s transformation matrix ( matrix3 [0.604205,-0.796829,0] – row 1 … [0,0,1] – row2 the up …
Thank you man, That is really useful , your website is also very cool~
something like this? x=#(“1”, “2”, “3”) y=#(“a”, “b”, “c”, “d”) z=#(“y”, “z”) combArr = #() for i = 1 to x.count do ( for j = 1 to y.count do ( for…
Thanks for sharing That website is also very good It’s too pity that I don’t understand Korean.
Sorry my bad , after looking erilaz’s code , I found that I built my rolloutFloater too wide. so my two rolloutFloater got piled up .BTW I found th…
Grabbed from Pen production, sorry Paul –Called when the Add Node picked button has selected an object. on addObject picked obj do ( –Cre…
Wow, I think I figured out myself ,Just multiply the inverse of it’s future parent’s transform then you will get the child space transform value Here …
Thanks everyone for the reply~ I want to calculate the object’s transform value as if it’s been link under it’s parent Using this , I can then add som…