yes , just as you said , is there some methods to realize it ?
thanks . well , it is good. the first step was completed but there is still a long way to travel
function writeout = ( a=-0.1 b=0.1 extfile = createfile “f:/randomdata.dat” for i= 1 to 44 do ( format “set % ” i to:extfile for k=1 to 500 do ( forma…
with animate on ( f=getopenfilename types:”data(*.dat)|*.dat|all|*.*” thefile=openfile f while(not eof thefile) do ( for t = 0 to 100 by 5 do ( …
thanks , yeah , I just want do this ,but this is a test the next step , I want to read data from a file and animate those boxes that maybe a little di…
My code as follow,when I excute it , it got a erro: – Compile error: Unexpected end-of-script – In line: /* CREATE A SPLINE */ theSpline = splineSh…
Hi ,JHN , thanks for take time to solve my questions and I will take care next time;) the data was created by random function ,but we can make it fuit…
thanks very much,losbellos it perform perfect !
ZeBoxx2, thanks a lot perform as a beauty