You can use my script to do it for any modifier: With your code you are not looping through all the modifers on each object try this: MySelection=#…
Bobo: Btw, great job on that Space Chimps game cut-scene sand! Cheers Bobo! It was a fun project. Ill upload another krakatoa/fume heavy shot fo…
Bobo, I did try making the rollout global and now I have just tried putting the function inside the rollout, but it still didnt work!!! grrr! So i tri…
Everything is defined inside the macroscript scope. Here is a cutdown version: macroScript CheckNSave Category: “01_Animation” toolTip:”Zero One File…
Cant you just do this: $.modifiers[1].center This will show you all its properties: show $.modifiers[1] or this can show you some more: getsubanimna…
I tried to normalize theZ too, but didnt make a difference. I ended up just applying [1,1,1] to the scale and rotating it 180. Seemed to work ok. Than…
Thanks Bobo, It works well for positioning and orientation, but the scaling ended up being a bit weird. I got the following scales like [-1.00356,-1,…
try this before you assign the identity matrix to objA $objB.transform = $objB.transform * (inverse $objA.transform)
ok, I figured it out (with a bit of help). To access the gizmo you need to have the object selected and be in modifier mode or else max wont see that …
Ok, It seemed that I had to declare theUvwmap = UVWmap() as a global rather than in a loop in a ‘on button pressed’. Anyone know why?