But I want to confine event handler to an area of the graphic…am I missing something obvious again?
thnx Io, denis. I guess a label would serve but I want the user to click on part of the background graphic of a form and set off an event, so hence th…
thnx claudio. For my purposes, the denis solution is all I need and saves me headaches. Really its just that i didnt know about printallelements comma…
Holy Mackerel! Is it really that simple…now I feel like a dunderhead! thnx denis…you r the resource
Claudio …thnx but your test struct didn’t work in that the element in quotes, viz ‘mynewstruct’, was simply eliminated when executed, and came out as …
I understand Denis, but I may not know the precise material node “address’ controlled by the CA without actually drilling down into the curve editor …
Right, got hat thnx denis and pen. There remains for me the problem of determining if a specific float wire is the one associated with a specific Ca……
Thanks for that denis, but I’m not sure how it helps me delete the wire controllers, as your function simply creates a collection in an array of ele…
one way connection denis
Thanks MZ, I will check out your code. It already looks a lot better than mine. Oh a much easier way is good Denis! I am writing code for a spline c…