I can’t give you the code, but there is a property of a surface called the curvature, which is a mathematical entity Gauss discovered which is dT/ds,…
Thanks Io, but my problem is that , when I code somehing like this to have the label track with the mouse; fn mouseMovelb sender arg= ( if arg.bu…
Just with a mouse. LB press and move…
But the point is Io, I will have several forms open generated on the fly , and I can’t give them all global scope ‘form’…Do I have to generate unique…
Ok thanks…but bear with me for a sec…take the code which creates a form and also registers a callback to close the form on the opening of a new file: …
yes. I want these windows to close when the max file/scene closes …
Well if you dont think its useful tool, make it one. Denis said he didnt use that time of spinner UI and I agree it’s a trifle clumsy…why not constru…
most of your issues can be solved by using helper objects linked appropriately together with max list controllers. Layer them up, as many as you lik…
or use CAT…why re-invent the wheel…at least you’ll get a walk cycle…hmm…so paul only teaches obsoltete stuff to protect his livelihood? interesting…I …
dot net pop up window
oh right of course thnx Io. I think I know that mouse location code…anyway I’ll dig it up, I think ive used it in my material browser set up somewher…