Yeah – what denis said. he’s the man when it comes to mxs. Forget about the UI. RM is buggy. edit*** Is the rig behaving as expected or not? Check va…
instead of : createreaction ikreactor setReactionState ikReactor 1 80 setReactionState ikReactor 2 50 try: createreaction ikreactor setReactionState …
Yes, its called ‘createreaction’. Also use ‘setReactionState’ Thats all you need basically. Its all there in the MXS help. Scripting RM isn’t that di…
You have to use ‘createstate’ command by memory. By the way, reaction manager is buggy, slow and a pian to use. If you r scritping something, avoid i…
Ah yes, thnx pete – that’s more or less what I was looking for. Very helpful. I have read yr dotnet101. Waiting for dotnet 201… thnx guys.
Well that seemed to work. Is it to do with whether or not dependencies of the children are carried forward or not? If so, why isn’t this on by default…
The problem arises when atttempting to copy mesh with morpher modifier. Clone doesnt solve prob…clone as what? If copy, then system exception, I don’t…
Thanks a lot Branco but I think there was nothing essentially wrong with my code except I forgot to use the tag property and specify the tag explicit…
First of all I’d like to thank all the guys on this forum who have helped me with this dotnet stuff – it’s been invaluable and I don’t think I’ve wou…
yes, thanks for that. Not sure how to actually capture what is picked however, say I want to select a bone and get it’s name etc…or a mesh…
Thanks I was going to use the workaround of applying mesh modifier on top of stack…I’ll try this much lighter load