a practical example : $Bip01.controller.figuremode = true
It was sitting under my nose but i could’nt see it ^^ Thanks a lot!
I finnaly get it working They did a recent update on their plugin. They added a function to BatchExport Max files. not exactly what i was looking fo…
Ok nice i will try all of these techniques Can you tell more about a DLL Viewer ? I tryed to open the .dle in notepad, i got a lot of strange charac…
I finally found the function wich is executed in the TrackView -> Controller -> Collapse Controller. fn collapseController ControllerFrom Contr…
thanks its exactly what i was looking for I searched the reference about 1 hour without finding anything :s i guess i didn’t look at the right locat…
I am making a similar script to perform Culling and clipping accordly to the camera frustum. I use “meshop.slice” to create the new vertices at the in…
Thank you ! it rocks waheey!!!
Ok thx for the help again i will try this method as soon as i come back to home