I found many years ago a Take5.chm file with a lot of questions/answers about MXS. At discreet website I guess. This was very useful to me, but I woul…
Hi Mustan9, thank you I found the .addNode method with showInterfaces MyController. [size=2]But, when I type it in the maxscript user reference foun…
Hi Mustan9, I’ve been doing some tests with the bounding box of a cylinder in local space. If I copy de position from .max and .min in local space to…
Hi Mustan9, Thanks for your answer. I know this is not a big issue at your script, but I insist trying to correct mine. I draw a cylinder with a rad…
Hi Mustan9, May be there is an error in Version 1.0: M3D_Rotations When you calculte the radius with: [size=3][font=Times New Roman][color=white] …
Thanks eek, mustan9, I thought there was a way to use “in coordsys” to a result inside a script controller. As you say, the only way is to use the in…
That’s what works in a script: in coordsys camera ( move obj [Xdistance,Ydistance,0]) Now, I want to do it inside a script controller assigned to ob…
Thanks PEN and Duncs, The object cannot be linked (I need it this way). It’s a camera.target and I need to move it in a plane normal to the camera. I…
thanks eek and PEN, A similar script controller will be repeated for a lot of objetcts in the scene. So, I’m looking for the more efficient way. I n…
So eek, the CA stuff and: (nodeTransformMonitor node:$ forwardTransformChangeMsgs:false) is better than: myController.AddNode “myNode” $ after the…
(refs.dependents this)[3].name gets the name of the object which this script controller is applied. It works but I don’t know if it’s dangerous in any…
santaTrajectoryLimiter.ms susanta3d@gmail.com download it from scriptspot.com this script implement what you are looking for in a very simple way. Fe…
To stay in place when varying the speed my idea is to compensate in one multiplier_curve (1MdelOrigen) which increases in the other (1Km_H). Supose …