Maxscript Tools and Interaction with 3ds Max > Creating MAXScript Tools > Scripted Plug-ins > Scripted SimpleObject Plug-ins “The mesh plug-…
Thank you focomoso, but too much for me. In my language: “mucha arena para mi camioncito” I’m involved in some arquitectural projects now but all mo…
The complet code here:
SO…: plugin geometry foo_plugin_def name:”FooBar” category:”Scripted Primitives” ( local columns = #(), clickAt tool create ( on mousePoint click …
Hey! my lastest discovery. With the plugin installed: showClass “Column.*” lists all the properties of this new geometry: Column : GeometryClass…
homework almost done: Modifying the script in the Maxscript reference manual, at: Creating Maxscript Tools > Scripted Plug-ins > Scripted Geom…
IUUUJJJUUUUUU! thanks God (Bobo) it works: plugin simpleObject Column name:”Column” classID:#(63446,55333) category:”3DEmpire” ( local cyl1, cyl2,…
SWEEETTTTTT! (thank you again) plugin simpleObject Column name:”Column” classID:#(63446,55333) category:”3DEmpire” ( local cyl1, cyl2, cyl3, b…
Thanks again, This code will create columns for architecture projects: plugin simpleObject Column name:”Column” classID:#(63446,55333) categor…
Thank again for the advice Bobo, I cannot set different MatIDs to each primitive inside the scripted plugin, right? So. How could I remember each …
Hi Bobo, thanks! What do you say about this solution? (It works) Creates a cylinder over a box. on buildMesh do ( if box1 == undefined then (box1 …
So, after moving all the vertices with : fn moveMesh theMesh = ( box3 = editable_mesh() box3.mesh = theMesh.mesh move box3.verts [0,0, this.box1.heig…
May be these scripts can help you: CameraFaceCounter 0.2 Counts all faces within a Camera View Cone. Blinders 1.02 what you do is create a box tha…