You need to put the name of the posture you want to paste. Something like this: – copy posture copiedPosture = biped.copyPosture bipObj.controller #…
This works on editable meshes: fn pickAVert = ( vertPos = pickPoint snap:#3d for i = 1 to getNumVerts $ do ( if (getVert $ i) == vertPos then ( setVe…
I’m fairly new to MaxScript, but I’ll try and help with the “original_dir = txt” problem. It’s a scope issue. Since you first define “original_dir” …
This particular fix is an easy one. The code as written only works with Editable Mesh objects, not Editable Polys. Just convert the selected object …
Ah, I see. Awesome! I didn’t even know that the gizmo had a .transform property. Okay, that works. Now I’ve got a new problem (there always seems t…
Thanks LF! That’s sounds like what I’m after, but I don’t exactly understand the information I’m getting from it. Here’s an example from my scene: …
I’ve updated my Time Tracker script and put it on my website for anyone who’s interested.
I’ll just post a link to it here for anyone that wants to try it. Just let me know what you think and any improvements you’d like to see. Download T…
I’m glad you like it Tony. I’ll look into added a place for notes. What kind of notes would you like to keep track of? I was also thinking of addin…
I actually have a script that does just that. I haven’t really felt it was ready for prime time yet, mainly because there are a few features I want t…
Wow, thanks Bobo. That was very comprehensive and informative. It really clears things up for me. :applause:
I think I see what you mean. It just seems strange that string can’t also be considered an object name since it’s using the exact same letters. But…
Thanks for the response. That helps. I actually did see that in the reference, but I was wondering more about why it doesn’t work to just use the st…