Thank you so much Mr.Lo, your function just work fine. :applause: :love:
Ok thanks …will wait till tomorrow then, right now just try a thing up. Thanks denisT
Thanks mr.Lo , but im not that advanced user ,still in progress of learning in dotnet ms, could you ascend how to use it in my ms… I know little bit o…
can I also remove Ctrl , and using F1 only , Mr.Nienhuis ? Thanks
my 2nd question ? how can I use chm file integrated with F1 when I in maxscript editor, its not like maxscript help was on help section in preferen…
OK, got it now. As u said broomy, I used Pastebitmap. Thanks for answer.
cant see anything ? 🙁 but hey this good news but I hope they return max help too…its annoy if I must online or compiled by myself the chm. Thank…
thanks lo.
im stick to denisT about MXS dialog maker imbued with dotNet too…? its really pain in the ass and if someone make it will rock as hard.
thanks for reply before im not mention this …but ive try this …but seem no working could you parse where to make it work on cbbox KeyDown arg do ( …
so its the same sender and arg …hmm…