okay, it works for individually selected objects now, but some new bugs: -for vray mats it worked on main slots, but it’s not changing sub slot mappe…
alright, now it doesn’t return any error messages, but this happens: If I have selected an object with only one material applied to it, the script wi…
denisT: i bet that i’ve missed anything … but 90% of what you need is there: fn collectAllMaterials mat mats:#() = if mat == undefined then mats e…
anyone else could help me on this please? thanks
thanks guys. aandres’ script works, sort of. it’s applying the formula correctly to submaps, but it’s applying it twice to the main slots like diffus…
this is what my code looks so far: function StdDiffuseRGBtoLinear = ( oldr = $.material.diffuseColor.r oldg = $.material.diffuseColor.g oldb = $.mat…
anyone? bump
yeah, worked like a charm, thanks mate!
alright, worked for that case, but how about lets say when i wired smooth iterations toa parameter “osmooth” and the checkbutton switches it between 0…
great heres what i was doing wrong: instead of $.modifiers[1].controls.boxMod = $Box001.modifiers[1] i was typing only boxMod = $Box001.modifiers[…
yeah, i realized that, but i did what you said, could you point what i am doing wrong?
well i tried b4, but wont work aswell. says “unknown property “enabled” in undefined for some reason