Hello ahmed, I would recomend you reading the how to’s on the Maxscript reference files, they’re pretty clear and well explained, this would give you …
or you could use the transform matrix of the object… Transform_matrix = $.transform Transform_matrix.row4 = [10,10,0] – x,y,z $.transform = Transfor…
As Wahooney already pointed out, look for “menuMan interface” , with this you can fiddle in the menus and the quad menus.
Nope… it shouldn’t cause any problem, when you select through Maxscript the same face ( or object ) twice it’s like selecting it once. It’s not like i…
No worries!, as I said, nice and optimal method of adding random faces you show in your script. Cheers
Light: You can also use Pola X bundled with v2, which is free. Light Wooops!, thank’s to point that out Light, I didn’t see you could get that…
Fabman, unfortunately your script won’t account for faces being selected twice or more. Hi Wahooney I already warned floyd1510 about that in the fir…
I just quickly made this script it selects a “percentage” of faces of the selected editable poly, I hope it helps. Percentage = 90 subObjectLevel =…
Well, I know this won’t work with non-convex meshes, but if it’s a convex mesh, could you use the vector that goes from the point to the center of the…
Great thread F97ao, I’m trying to start creating my own plugins with the SDK, but it seems quite an challenge, so, thanks for all the info you’re post…
Hi Paul, maybe you won’t need to update all those systems, I haven’t tried, but… there’s this freeware ftp client for the command line. So you could p…
This should work… ca = attributes MyDef ( parameters main ( NumMapFaces type:#intTab tabSizeVariable:true NumMapVerts type:#intTab tabS…
Hello Carlos, try this one better, it lets you change the values through spinners, and works over the current selected object. rollout param “paramet…
No problem Carlos, I guess that should work, but I haven’t testest that with weighted objects, so if you got any error post it and I’ll modify the scr…
Hi Carlos, first… try to keep the title of your threads more clear, the “Need help with Maxscript” post in a Maxscript forum doesn’t make clear wha…