thanks Martinez! It wokrs perfectly! here the final script: A = $MASTER fr = 0 for i = 1 to 200 do ( obj = instance A nTargets = obj…
no way to get access to these keys??
Thanks Bobo, it works fine!
hey, thanks for the answer! Yes they are the same version, (V_Ray_Adv_2_10_01:V_Ray_Adv_2_10_01) but … …now I see I’ve forgot to install the plugin t…
the “$” its the same as to write “selection” but you can use it as prefix to select objects: select $b* – that will select every object witch name st…
im afraid that the problem is that rollout.bitmap only support .bmp files and not jog or tga, or?
ok, now I get it. I had to compare my collected items array with “v_objects.ListItems.count”, now it works. on sel pressed do ( ObjIsol…
hi denisT, before we keep trying to solve my problem I have a question that might be very important. I notice in your script that you use: dotNetContr…
thanks denisT, but if I use your code on sel pressed do ( for i in lv_objects.ListItems where not i.Checked do deselectNode (getnodebyname …
thank you guys for your quickly answer. With your help I could understand a little more how it works and I solved my problem. Now it looks very simple…
Thanks Piflik for the fast answer! It works very good! Thank you Esteban