Thanks, that will be helpful. Incidently, are you the same Dave that went to Mad Academy? I assume it’s not coincidence.
specxor: Hi, Guys, Fist off, Camera Server that I mentioned is a simple little app im working on, that will keep animated cameras in sync. So an an…
You can use either the filenamefrompath method or pathConfig.stripPathToLeaf. Both pretty much do the same thing.
Do you specifically want to strip the paths and only have the filenames remaining, or just clear all the paths completely?
You are using the $ value in your loop rather than the obj value, therefore applying the rotation and scale to all the objects in the selection. Chan…
Number of frames can be found by the numFrames property under Bitmap: mBitmap = openBitmap “C:\\YourFolders\\” print mBitmap.numFrames
I think what decapitator means is you’re not defining a position in your then statement: on switch_meshTorig pressed do ( if ($s_eyelids_c…
Artur, not what I wanted, but exactly what I needed! It actually makes a lot more sense to do it the way you have implemented. The code is working …
Here’s a simplified example that people can copy/paste/run: s1 = sphere pos: [20,0,0] s2 = sphere pos: [-20,0,0] spheres = #(s1,s2) b1 = box() temp…
Now that’s what i’m talking about!
Oh I’m aware of that, I think it would be interesting if other methods have come up in people’s scripting journeys to expand the manual’s recommendati…
Hot damn, I love optimised code. Perhaps we should have a general discussion of what makes things faster/less memory intensive.
Thanks for providing your own solution Richard. It’s really helpful. I always find it irritating when people just say “Solved it” but don’t show how…
I attempted the userPropertiesChanged callback but couldn’t get it to work. That may be my limited knowledge of it’s functionality though.