cheers! saved me the time writing the exact same thing
thanks alot, Bobo! lucky I asked or I’d have continued not understanding the startup folder. good points, I know how I want to do it now
thanks for sharing! half way there! will try to modify it for myself
I wrote such a script that’d increase or decrease by a static amount by hotkeys which I then bound to my griffin technology usb wheel :3 however the s…
could you move the max application window by this aswell? using litestep max creeps up 20 pixels or so everytime I start it so I have to retrieve it f…
ah I found a free script that does the same work on scriptspot called Vertex Killer. I guess it’s alot simpler this way around. but if someone has wri…
ahah, bummer, was just about to check out polyboost, would’ve saved me the time. thanks for pointing out