This is my problem What if the user moves the time slider back and forth ?
Well, the problem I see with the TimeChangeCallback is that it can be called even when the animation is not playing ( ex : when scroling the time scro…
Bobo: (see the “How To … Develop a Vertex Renderer” tutorial in MAXScript Help for the actual code) Woah, thats cool
I’m parking myself here waiting to see if it’s possible… ( would be much useful …)
Or create a filter function… function FilterFunction Obj = ( return ((superClassOf Obj == GeometryClass) and ((classof Obj.material) == Arch___Design…
Yes I already managed to get it to work… thanks anyway
Well, for now I think I have some clue, menuMan.findMenu(“&Help”) Finds the HELP MENU in the MAIN TOOLBAR, so I guess I could use it to find if …
Have you looked into CheckButtons, they could esaily do this. This is a little exemple with buttons local bState = false; on btn_Button pressed do…
Thanks evryone, now no ojbects are getting selected. Yet the other issue is that the square selection stills apears in the viewport PickPoint() can…
Well, I want the user to DRAW THINGS IN THE VIEWPORT, ( it works fine, just need to get rid of the square selection and the objects getting selected (…
you should look into EXECUTE execute(a + b + ” = 10″); would execute “autodesk = 10” and create a variable named autodesk caring the 10 value
I had to check it out So the problem is that “mouse.buttonStates” won’t return an array of booleans, [size=2]Let’s say if you are pressing the left…