taskkill /F /IM 3dsmax.exe If you place the above into the notepad and save it as a .bat then you’ll have a quick way to kill max, I place it on the…
thanks guys – hijacked!
thanks so much miauu this worked great I was looking into try () catch () and arrays…
Thanks very much lucpet
Thanks Lucpet nSpl = dLBP [0.0,0.0,0.0] [150.0,0.0,0.0] what does nSpl and dLBP mean? what does your script do? – I tried it and it made another sp…
this is my (probably horrific) attempt $ = theShape curLength = curveLength theShape remainder = (3000 – curLength) v1 = getKnotPoint $ 1 1 v2…
Everyone thanks so much – totally blown away by how one line of code can save so much time – you’re brilliant!
When a bitmap is applied to a material slot, the default is to apply the alpha channel (if available) as Premultiplied. This makes my material render …
Some are multi-sub-objects (upto 95 ids) with bitmaps applied to Diffuse others are Standard Materials with bitmaps applied to Diffuse These materia…
Thanks Kameleon Now I find that my mouse pos is expressed in screen space, pixels beginning in the topleft so my active screen resolution is 905px …