lo, the values are xyz coordinates / names / descriptions for objects in the scene. EDIT: I was assuming the data was wrong based on the return witho…
Thank you for the replies! Oddly enough the values are being returned with the d0 and L appended even when I remove formatting. while readerObject.r…
how funny, searching for something else and I find this. Turns out I had solved the issue but forgot I made a post about it. :surprised To draw a sp…
Awesome Eric, thank you for the clarification!
Hi Paul, thanks! Those certainly look like the ones. Hard to believe I couldn’t find those after a moderately determined search. So basically I will…
I just re-read this, when you run the batch you never open the file. I am having a hard time understanding what you want. Paste the string in a text …
PiXeL_MoNKeY: -frames:“all” -Eric Is the best I got dude. good luck
2012 design “c:\program files\autodesk\3ds max design 2012\3dsmaxcmd” -submit:theIPaddressOfServer -jobName=”theJobName” -o=”\\ServerName\ShareName\I…
yes, it worked great for me.
-frames=100-200 works great for me