ivanisavich: Hey guys, So I’ve created a really fast attach algorithm for attaching large arrays of objects together. I searched the forum an…
works awesome, thanks so much thedour!
This sort of does it… for o in objects do ( for c in o.children do c.parent = undefined ) for o in objects do ( if matchpattern o.name pattern:”*B…
Thanks MiranDMC! yours works great and is more efficient than mine. I noticed you added isKindOf o GeometryClass which is amazing because that is wha…
found what I was looking for… ( Objs = for o in objects collect o for o in Objs do ( select o convertToMesh o meshop.weldVertsByThreshold o o….
That was it, thanks PEN!
annnnd the fix. I should learn by now that I need to post every problem I have. It always seems that when I post it – the solution presents itself. …
Dmaxer, I am interested in this pipe script too. I went to your website but it is down, any chance you can share it?
So, here I am with all of your above code in place. What do I assign to i coming out of your functions. This is what is causing my mind to explode o…
OK, so now I am gathering the objects in my scene, assigning their name as “obj_z position” and then dumping their names into an array with the great …